Thursday, September 28, 2006

Even more Alien Sketchiness...

Hey Folks, here be another sketch from my book....


  1. what a great page man!!! endless lines of gooey goodness!! lovin it, and in pen no less..... u da man!

  2. I like your pictures. They have fantastic stories in them. That chubby alien totally thinks he's being sneaky, but I bet the mystical alien is totally going to suck his soul!

  3. yeah, this pic sure does tell a story. it tells us not to go to intergalatic proctologists because their tools are definately NOT made for the human poop shoot. goodness tom! do we need to check you into a white padded room because these are visions you're having relating to an apocolyptic future or are these falshbacks to nasty visitations you got from some sexually deviate aliens?

    looking fantastic as always!!! GOODNESS

  4. Now now, Mr. Collins, becoming a tad overwrought aren't we? Goodness... :)

  5. my my tom!!! would love to throw a party with you, me, and your aliens at the anatomy lab tonight! and add a little sangria :)

  6. Well, kind lady, I must say that that must be the best offer those poor aliens have gotten in some time...nothing says it's a party like drunken vivisection! ;)

  7. OK, why don't you have a book printed? You would sell them in a second.
