Here is some of the work that I did while developing the character EYE GUY for the Cartoon Network Studios program Ben 10, the DTV BEN 10: SECRET OF THE OMNITRIX. Many possiblities were generated for the idea of Eye Guy, so here are an assortment of rough doodles from my process of possibilities....
BEN 10 and all related characters are trademarks of and © Cartoon Network. Used under license by Bandai America Incorporated. All Rights Reserved (s08) Bandai.com © 2008 Bandai America Incorporated.
that is nice, thomas.
i am soooo impressed!!
This stage looks like so much fun.
I absolutely love the creature designs on this show.
Great work, Thomas!
Dude...I love yer art. Big fan! Keep it up the great work my friend!
You've got a crazy eye for design! Love it!
wowza i like ben 10! :D
and your art rules
i made a link to your blog hope you dont mind greetings martin
Amazing, work Mr. Perkins. I've been a huge fan of your designs ever since I saw Extreme Ghostbusters ( Tempus' design in particular was a big inspiration on my own style monsters). Yet it's taken me this long to muster up a comment on your blog...:embarassed:
Ben 10 is quite possibly my life anymore, and Eye Guy is hands down my favorite of the additional Omnitrix aliens. It's truly an honor an a pleasure to get to see the concepts and development behind him. Thanks so much for posting it!
Please keep some the most gorgeous creatures I've ever seen coming. Thank you for your brilliant(and scarily similar to my own) imagination.
awsome, i love ben 10. can you post path of development for benmummy?
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