Thursday, September 30, 2010

White Chapel Remake: Captain America...

©2010 T.N.Perkins IV All Rights Reserved.


  1. Capt. America, the Pro. Wrestler? Its there a Plasma Shield involved?

  2. If its Capt. America. Might I suggest a better Spartan-Size shield developed by Tony Stark, with can provide 'Turtle' shell like protection, and its flight is controlled Cybernetic-ally in Capt's helmet, which can be a mode of locomotion for Capt. 'A', when he rides it like Green Goblin,or wears it on his back or his arms during combat.

    The shield will have a irritating Female AI like Jarvis, and will double as a Utility-Belt (oops... shield).

    Can you design a shield like that which can transform into many offensive and defensive shapes and will also be deployed as a drone with Capt. America in the control?
