Tuesday, June 05, 2012

CRITICAL HIT - Official Character Designs - Day Two - Torq

CRITICAL HIT: Official Character Designs – Day Two: Enter Torq- http://majorspoilers.com/2012/06/05/critical-hit-official-character-designs-day-two-enter-torq/#more-149346

Hey Folks,

In my professional endeavors I have many clients, but among my favorites are the great fellows over at the Major Spoilers / Critical Hit podcasts. I have enjoyed their audio greatness for many years now, so I was really pleased to assist them in one of their current endeavors.

This week they are announcing the official Critical Hit Character Designs that I created for them based on their excellent adventures that are found on the Critical Hit podcast. They will introduce a character and design to you each day. The second character introduced in the Critical Hit Universe was the three-quarter Orc, Torq.

The Critical Hit Podcasts can be found here: http://majorspoilers.com/category/major-spoilers-podcast/critical-hit/
The Major Spoilers Podcasts can be found here: http://majorspoilers.com/category/major-spoilers-podcast/

As an aside, I also worked with them in making a fun article,
"HERO HISTORY: KABLAMMAKUS!" written by Matthew Peterson which can be found here: http://majorspoilers.com/2011/07/31/hero-history-kablammakus/

©2012 T.N.Perkins IV All rights reserved.

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