Thursday, June 07, 2012

CRITICAL HIT - Official Character Designs - Day Four - Ket

CRITICAL HIT: Official Character Designs – Day Four: Hello, Ket -

Hey Folks,

In my professional endeavors I have many clients, but among my favorites are the great fellows over at the Major Spoilers / Critical Hit podcasts. I have enjoyed their audio greatness for many years now, so I was really pleased to assist them in one of their current endeavors.

This week they are announcing the official Critical Hit Character Designs that I created for them based on their excellent adventures that are found on the Critical Hit podcast. They will introduce a character and design to you each day. It’s our fourth day, and that means it is time to say hello to Ket.

“Hello, Ket.”

The Critical Hit Podcasts can be found here:
The Major Spoilers Podcasts can be found here:

As an aside, I also worked with them in making a fun article,
"HERO HISTORY: KABLAMMAKUS!" written by Matthew Peterson which can be found here:

©2012 T.N.Perkins IV All rights reserved.

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