Sunday, February 03, 2013

Batman of the Future...

Hey Folks,

Batman of The Future....! Hey Folks, Random Sketchiness…. The Return of Batman Beyond…. from the Future of the 1950’s….( Which might be like 1999)…

Here we catch a glimpse of our stalwart hero defending an unsuspecting Gotham from menaces from far and wide...



  1. I take it you didn't get my questions at your old AOL addy. Darn the final entry is tomorrow and I'll have to wing it. BTW, great work as always.

  2. Great works as usual. Sharp and edgie. only if Batman had claws on hand and Feet for perking around silently. And a mind-controlled limb-like for the Bat cape/wings (like doc octopus and Underword Movie Series flying vampire Villans)

  3. Great works as usual. Sharp and edgie. only if Batman had claws on hand and Feet for perking around silently. And a mind-controlled limb-like for the Bat cape/wings (like doc octopus and Underword Movie Series flying vampire Villans)

  4. Great works as usual. Sharp and edgie. only if Batman had claws on hand and Feet for perking around silently. And a mind-controlled limb-like for the Bat cape/wings (like doc octopus and Underword Movie Series flying vampire Villans)

  5. Great works as usual. Sharp and edgie. only if Batman had claws on hand and Feet for perking around silently. And a mind-controlled limb-like for the Bat cape/wings (like doc octopus and Underword Movie Series flying vampire Villans)

  6. The art is what drew me in, but it was the incredibly clever use of the actors' names that really sealed the deal. Mohr as Batman - perfect! (I can see Cathy Lewis as an alternate Catwoman)
