This last season of "Without a Trace" had an episode entitled "Odds or Evens" where there is a bar in Tokyo where criminals hangout. For this Hangout I was commissioned to do these images for illuminated wall hangings. This episode first aired 2/2/06.
Whoa neat! I haven't had a chace to catch that show lately. Last one I saw had nuns in it. You should draw a monster nun.
These are sweet! Really nice! I wish I could've seen them in the show. How did they look on TV?
Great stuff Perkins!
Hey man, your work here is excellent!..Glad to have come across such a fine blog this morning!...See you again soon...
Those Are Frickin' Dope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the coi piece is japatastic!!
Those drawings are awesome Tom. Nice work.
These japanese style illustrations are beautiful!
Tom, these are awesome bro. great stuff. We gotta hang soon!
excellent!!! work man
Great! I love the bright colors. Color Pencils and photoshop?
What channel was this show on?
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